The thought of Trump being Speaker is all the rage, or horror, depending on whether you are America First, or Deep State. Initially I opposed the idea because I thought it would block his ability to campaign, especially to travel, and that the Deep State would never vote for anything he proposed and he’d only have the real backing of the House Freedom Caucus, if that.
Then I started reading a bunch of Facebook posts on my various groups, and articles like those from J. D. Rucker, and I changed my mind. A couple of factors made the difference. One is that Trump would not be a member of Congress because he would not have been elected to a term representing a Congressional District or a State, so he’d have no constituency to get back and represent. He could easily fly out to any primary State right before the primary, do one of those famous rallies, and then return to Congress and continue as Speaker.
He could happily do this until the GOP Nomination in August of 2024. Trump has the GOP nomination wrapped up anyway, and the only group that doesn’t know it is the GOP, which is why they have those “Goober” candidates pretending to debate every so often. Then after the nomination, Trump would resign as Speaker, because nothing gets done anyway that close to an election, and he’d be free to continually embarrass Brandon, and figure out how to counter all the ways the Democrat/GOP Deep State plan to steal the election and impose a Barack Obama illegal tyranny on us again. Obama could be the first President to serve, illegally, four full terms, especially if you consider his birth certificate which has been ruled a fraud.
But I digress. So let’s think about all the things that Donald Trump could do as Speaker of the House.
Things Trump could do as Speaker of the House:
* Make news every day as Speaker and hold a daily press conference.
The first thing Trump could do is hold a daily press conference and call it, “The Trump Report.” He would be free to describe everything that is happening in the House without the editing, filters, and outright censorship and lies of the rest of the media. At least some sites and news services, like CSPAN would cover it live, and it would be available online, somewhere. Trump would be free to talk about everything Congress is doing, everything they aren’t doing, what the lobbyists are doing, where they are spending money, and how the Obama Coup Regime is spying and plotting against him with the apparatchik loyalists to the tyranny still in government.
* Start a Select Committee on the Stolen 2020 Election.
This is probably the most important committee since the Watergate and CIA investigation committees. The historical record has to be corrected, because we can not let future generations of Americans believe that Joe Biden actually beat Donald Trump in a free and fair election in which he didn’t even campaign or hold any successful rallies. History is full of lies, but this whopper can not be allowed to stand.
This committee should result in several thousand indictments in the next Trump Administration, but the groundwork could be laid now through making all the information public, and televised, during this committee’s hearings. Starting with Mike Pence, the charges would range from election fraud to insurrection, rebellion, and overthrow of the legitimate second term of Donald Trump.
* Subpoena the entire Biden family and question them personally in committee hearing.
We all know this is the most corrupt and greedy family in American history. They produce nothing but want everything. So Trump needs to set up a Brandon Crime Family Corruption Committee and interview all of then, with full financial disclosure under oath and subpoena. What should happen after all the illegal money is disclosed is that the Trump 2025 Administration would seize all of it from the Brandon’s and distribute it to anyone who was arrested and made a political prisoner in the DC Gulag, as part of the Coup to steal the election by using them in the Coup, and then making an example out of them so no one else challenges the illegal government of the Obama Deep State.
* Subpoena question and investigate under oath:
Merrick Garland, for acting as KGB head to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama, as head of the illegal shadow government and spy chief over the intelligence community.
Hillary Clinton, for giving our uranium to Russian and Putin in the Uranium One scandal, for the classified email scandal, and for the botched gun-running operation in Benghazi.
Alejandro Mayorkis, for facilitating and lying continually about the open border invasion program,
* Have a special Covid Truth Investigation Committee:
All the principles need to be under oath: Dr. Fascist, Dr. Birx, Dr. Redfield, and all the other Covid players. The Covid government policy is the greatest medical holocaust in history. The cures were well known, cheap, available, and information about them freely available, until the health nazis violated virtually every principle, section, clause, and right of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. See my article on why the cure for Covid was Freedom!
This is the CDC chart that proves Covid deaths pretty much ended in July of 2020. Everything after this was propaganda, lies and fear, in preparation for the deadly Covid shots.
* Create DOJ/Intelligence Political Operations Investigation Committee:
This would be for all the political actions under color of law used illegally against Trump and anyone associated with Trump or the Deep State Coup and Entrapment Operation of January 6, 2021. For this committee you would need: all the D.A.'s who have indicted Trump, Chris Wray, James Clapper, John Brennan, the 51 intelligence operatives who signed the letter that the Russia hoax was real, all the intelligence heads, the rest of Brandon's cabinet because they are all in on the Coup, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, the Democrats J6 Committee, any other Democrat and Republican associated with stealing the government from Trump on January 6, the warden and guards of the DC Gulag, and all the DC and Capitol Hill Police.
* The Ukraine War:
The corruption, bribery, kickbacks, military-industrial-banking-government fascist operation, the money laundering Dem/GOP piggy bank, and the bioweapons labs, all of this need a full and open televised hearing. All funding needs to stop, and the Deep State operatives need to be held personally liable, their illegal assets from the war forfeited, and long jail terms handed out.
* Defund:
The DOJ, the NGO's bringing in illegals, DEI, CRT, maybe the whole Dept. of Education, anything Green Energy or Climate Change related, defund and remove all regulations on any consumer product from gasoline cars, gas stoves, light bulbs and anything else. Pass bills to defund entire departments and fire everyone in them.
* Stop Congress borrowing money:
Trump should put forward to the Congress our constitutional amendment to take the power of Congress to borrow money.
* Give back to the States all the illegally held “Federal land:”
The Federal Government is only allowed by the Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, to own and hold the land making up the District of Columbia, land on the US Border, and land under necessary defense installations. Any other land has to be purchased with the permission of the State Legislatures. Therefore there are millions of acres of land, particularly in the Western States, that is being illegally held. Trump should sponsor bills to return all State land to the States so they can open up all closed land to oil drilling, make national parks into state parks, and anything else they want to do with their land. This would allow for the elimination of the Department of the Interior and every agency within it.
* Trump should stop, defund, remove, eliminate, and make illegal, anything else Leftist. - Is the link to my weekday show, Action Radio. - is where we do all our legislative and advocacy work. - Is our fundraising site to advance our freedom.
Greg Penglis is the creator of "Action Radio," the worlds first show where the audience is a citizen legislature. Action Radio, which airs weekdays 7-10 am Central time, and is podcast right after, is a fully interactive system of listeners, expert guests, social media, writing bills, legislator input, citizen action, lobbying, and advocacy!
I've been hoping to see a well-researched, detailed, article such as this, as to what Trump could do as Speaker.
Simply put, no brainer!
And it would be the most effective, complement to his rally-style approach to campaigning as it would add the spectacle of “doing the nation’s business,” by communicate Congressional successes at the rallies throughout the nation.